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Find job opportunities in the heart of Canada

Create your free account and search for job opportunities in Manitoba. The Work in Manitoba job portal is an innovative, one-stop platform that connects job seekers across Canada and worldwide with Manitoba employers.

Find your ideal job in Manitoba today!

Two Hands performing a Handshake Icon

Connect with Manitoba employers across a variety of industries

Searching on a Computer Icon

Discover thousands of jobs, including those posted to the Canada Job Bank and Indeed

Two Hands performing a Handshake Icon

Enjoy a high quality of life, working in one of Canada's strongest and most diversified economies

Two people working together on a project

How it works

Find a job in three easy steps:

  1. Register and create your free, secure profile.
  2. Search for jobs through Work in Manitoba. You will also get a notification once your profile matches a job opportunity.
  3. Apply for the jobs that interest you most.

Businesses recruiting with Work in Manitoba

Career Trek
Career Trek Logo
Nesto Logo
Big Freight
Big Freight Systems Logo
Neo Logo
Government of Manitoba Logo
Intouch Logo
Invest Manitoba Logo
6P Marketing
Economic Development Winnipeg Logo
Wellington Altus
Government of Manitoba Logo
Invest Manitoba Logo
Economic Development Winnipeg Logo
Career Trek
Career Trek Logo
Nesto Logo
Big Freight
Big Freight Systems Logo
Neo Logo
Government of Manitoba Logo
Intouch Logo
Invest Manitoba Logo
6P Marketing
Economic Development Winnipeg Logo
Wellington Altus
Government of Manitoba Logo
Invest Manitoba Logo
Economic Development Winnipeg Logo
Career Trek
Career Trek Logo
Nesto Logo
Big Freight
Big Freight Systems Logo
Neo Logo
Government of Manitoba Logo
Intouch Logo
Invest Manitoba Logo
6P Marketing
Economic Development Winnipeg Logo
Wellington Altus
Government of Manitoba Logo
Invest Manitoba Logo
Economic Development Winnipeg Logo

Canada’s Heart is Calling

We know the longing for adventure is felt in the heart. So, whether your heart needs quiet or needs to race, sing or reflect, follow it to the middle of Canada. Manitoba is a land of natural beauty, with clean, safe, and friendly cities and towns that offer a relaxed and enriching lifestyle for you and your family. Canada’s heart is calling, it’s time to answer.

Welcome to Winnipeg: Canada’s best kept secret

Thrilling opportunities and a great lifestyle await you in Manitoba’s capital city. Winnipeg is the cultural cradle of Canada and a hub of diversity, knowledge and innovation. That’s why thousands of skilled workers choose to reside in this exciting and affordable city in the centre of the country. 

Start searching for job opportunities